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Real-time and archival stage record for the Torrey Creek stream gage, operated by the Wind River Mountain Research Lab, located at the Wyoming Game and Fish Department Whiskey Mountain Conservation Camp above Trail Lake, near Dubois, Wyoming.

Wind River Mountain Research Lab Stream Gage #1

Stage data are recorded every 15 minutes (barring technical difficulties) and converted to volumetric discharge rates using a Bayesian power-law rating curve developed from in-situ streamflow measurements. Daily and 15-minute records are available upon reasonable request.

To use this dataset in your research or other work, please contact

NOTE: Gage may be impacted by ice during cold weather.

Fast facts about this stream gage:

  • • Installed on 9/18/2021 by Boardman et al., record begins 10/1/2021
  • • Staff gage attached to bridge, marked to nearest 0.02 ft.
  • • OTT Compact Bubble System automatic stage sensor, ± <0.02 ft. accuracy
  • • Arduino/Thingspeak data recording and WiFi telemetry at 15-minute intervals
  • • Timelapse camera provides backup stage record
  • • Discharge measured with USGS Type AA current meter
  • • With thanks to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department for installation permission and ongoing collaboration on this project

Sensor Inside Temperature and Status

Rolling Yearly Hydrograph

Bubble Chamber
Automatic Stage Sensor
Staff Gage
Bubble Chamber Orifice
Gage Location
Stream Gage Installation